Hoya fraterna Blume 1849
Hoya fraterna Blume 1849 is a terrestrial growing tropical wax flower vine from the dogbane family (Apocynaceae), in the first place found on the island of Java, Indonesia.
As the big leathery leaves are reminescent of Hoya coriacea the tropical vine got the name Hoya fraterna, which means “brother”. After German-Dutch botanist Karl Ludwig Blume described the tropical plant in 1849, it got somewhat lost, but in the year 1993 it has been rediscovered in Sabah, Malaysia. Hoya fraterna flowers are grouped in dense clusters of 30 - 40 single flowers. Like Hoya meliflua Merr. 1918, flowers exude a thick, dark nectar, which stains the hairy flowers and maybe because of that performance, Ted Green, a Hoya enthusiast from Hawaii, named the wax flower vine Hoya meliflua ssp. fraterna, which is not accepted by the science of botany.
Hoya fraterna is a vigorous growing Hoya plant, which can reach lengths up to 12 meters and is best cultivated in light shade or filtered sunlight. The tropical vine requires regulary waterings during growth season, but shouldn`t be overwatered. During winter rest waterings should be restricted.

Flower Photography © Orchids Flowers.com
Image: Hoya fraterna Blume 1849
Hoya (Wax Flowers, Porcellain Flowers) at Orchids Flowers.com:
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