Oncidium Twinkle White Fantasy


Oncidium Twinkle, has been registerd as an orchid hybrid from Oncidium cheirophorum (seed parent) and Oncidium sotoanum (pollen parent) in 1958 with the Royal Horticultural Society by W.W.G.Moir an orchid breeder from Hawaii. Nowadays the small, highly fragrant orchid got a few names, as Oncidium Tiny Twinkle or Oncidium Twinkle White Fantasy. We`ve been a bit confused as the pollen parent was often named as Oncidium ornithorhynchum, but finally the answer was quite easy, as Oncidium ornithorhynchum Kunth 1816 got renamed as Oncidium sotoanum R. Jiménez & Hágsater 2010. There is also a red variant (Oncidium Twinkle Red Fantasy) and a yelllow variant (Oncidium Twinkle Fragrance Fantasy) around. Epiphytic growing Oncidium Twinkle orchid hybrids are considered as easy to care orchids and are often recommended as a beginner orchid. The small flowers with a sweet scent, reminescent of jasmine and honey, get a size of about 0,5 cm.

Oncidium Twinkle White Fantasy
© Orchids Flowers.com
Image: Oncidium Twinkle White Fantasy

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