Vandopsis parishii (Rchb. f.) Schltr. 1912
Vandopsis parishii (Rchb. f.) Schltr. 1912 is an epiphytic growing orchid species, native to India (Assam), the Himalayas, Myanmar (formerly Burma), Thailand, South China and Vietnam.
In 1868 the beautiful orchid has been named primarily by the German botanist Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach (1823 - 1889) in honour the orchid collector Reverend Charles Samuel Pollock Parish (1822 – 1897) as Vanda parishii. In 1897 the German botanist Ernst Hugo Heinrich Pfitzer (1846 – 1906) changed the name in Hygrochilus parishii and finally in 1912 the orchids species got its, until today accepted, name, Vandopsis parishii. Pfitzer established the genus Vandopsis within the Vanda alliance, abbreviated as Vdps. in horticultural trade. Vandopsis is a small orchid genus with just about 5 species all native to South China, South East Asia, the Philipines and / or New Guinea. Inflorescences of Vandopsis parishii orchids reach lengths up to about 45 cm and carry up to 10 fragrant, waxy flowers. Flower size: 4-6 cm. Flowering period: May. The tropical orchid requires a warm to hot , humid climate. Vandopsis parishii orchids are protected by CITES Appendix II (trade controlled to avoid use incompatible with species survival).

Flower Photography © Orchids
Image: Vandopsis parishii (Rchb. f.) Schltr. 1912
Flower Photography © Orchids
Image: Vandopsis parishii (Rchb. f.) Schltr. 1912
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