The Flamboyant (Delonix regia (Bojer ex Hook.) Raf. 1837), also called Flame Tree, Royal Poinciana or Peacock Flower, presents a spectacular sight when in full flower. The deciduous, tropical tree, native to Madagascar, reach heights of 20 meters and more and has widely spread throughout tropical countries. As the Flamboyant belongs to the legume family (Fabaceae), the tree has soil-improving and nitrogen-fixating properties. The fast growing Flame Tree isn`t just cultivated for its stunning red, orange or yellow flowers (Delonix regia var. flavida, it`s also used as a shade tree in tropical countries, as the crown spreads at least as wide as the height of the tree.
In our home country Thailand the Flamboyant tree is called Ton Hang Nok Yoong, which means Peacock Tail Tree, in Vietnam: Phượng vĩ, means Phoenix Tail and in India Gulmohar (Peacock Tail) or Krishnachura (crown of Lord Krishna). Single flowers get a length of 10 cm. The flowering season for the Flamboyant depends to its location. In Thailand: April - May,
in Australia: December–February.
© Orchids
Image: Red Flamboyant (Delonix regia) flower
© Orchids
Image: Orange Flamboyant (Delonix regia) tree
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