Giant Claw Heliconia caribaea x bihai Jacquinii


The Giant Claw Heliconia caribaea x bihai Jacquinii (Heliconia caribaea x bihai) is considered as a natural hybrid, native to Central America, the Caribbean islands and South America. Heliconia Jacquinii with its spectacular, upright flower bracts in orange-red, with thick golden-yellow borders, is a quite large plant, growing up to heights of about 3,5 meters. Giant Claw Heliconia caribaea x bihai Jacquinii requires warm to hot, humid climate and a location in partial shade - full sun. Jacquinii flowers from summer to autumn, under tropical conditions all around the year. The colorful and long-lasting inflorescences are often used as “cut-flowers” for exotic flower bouquets and floral decorations.

Heliconia Jacquinii
Flower Photography © Orchids
Image: Giant Claw Heliconia caribaea x bihai Jacquinii

Heliconia plants, species and hybrids at Orchids

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