Hoya imperialis Lindl. 1846, native to Malaysia and Borneo (Kalimantan) is ranked among the biggest Hoya flowers. Hoya imperialis blooms in clusters of up to 10 flowers, single flowers reach a size of up to 8 cm across. Flowers of this impressive wax flower stay up to about 2 weeks and are fragrant, strongest in the evening and early morning. The fresh scent is reminescent of Gardenia. The tropical vine can become very big and can cause a problem for people with limited space.
As Hoya imperialis belongs to the dogbane family (Apocynaceae), the plant contains a lot of milky sap, which cause stubborn stains, if leaves or other parts of the plant got dammaged. Hoya imperialis flowers also exude a lot of sticky nectar. As Hoya imperialis flowers look a bit similar to Hoya megalaster
and Hoya macgillivrayi flowers, finally they are easy to identify as they have a white, waxy corona.
Flower Photography © Orchids Flowers.com
Image: Hoya imperialis Lindl. 1846
Flower Photography © Orchids Flowers.com
Image: Hoya imperialis Lindl. 1846
Hoya (Wax Flowers, Porcellain Flowers) at Orchids Flowers.com:
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