Hoya imperialis


Hoya imperialis Lindl. 1846, native to Malaysia and Borneo (Kalimantan) is ranked among the biggest Hoya flowers. Hoya imperialis blooms in clusters of up to 10 flowers, single flowers reach a size of up to 8 cm across. Flowers of this impressive wax flower stay up to about 2 weeks and are fragrant, strongest in the evening and early morning. The fresh scent is reminescent of Gardenia. The tropical vine can become very big and can cause a problem for people with limited space.

As Hoya imperialis belongs to the dogbane family (Apocynaceae), the plant contains a lot of milky sap, which cause stubborn stains, if leaves or other parts of the plant got dammaged. Hoya imperialis flowers also exude a lot of sticky nectar. As Hoya imperialis flowers look a bit similar to Hoya megalaster
and Hoya macgillivrayi flowers, finally they are easy to identify as they have a white, waxy corona.

Hoya imperialis
Flower Photography © Orchids Flowers.com
Image: Hoya imperialis Lindl. 1846

Flower Photography © Orchids Flowers.com
Image: Hoya imperialis Lindl. 1846

Hoya (Wax Flowers, Porcellain Flowers) at Orchids Flowers.com:

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