Miltonia Honolulu, with its deep purple flowers, is a very popular, epiphytic growing, 3. generation orchid hybrid, a crossing between the Miltonia hybrids Miltonia Gayety (seed parent)
and Miltonia Anne Warne (pollen parent).
We will show You, how much effort is needed to get such stunning flowers. First of all the primary hybrids Miltonia Bluntii (Miltonia clowesii × Miltonia spectabilis) and Miltonia Cyrtochiloides (Miltonia flavescens × Miltonia spectabilis) have to be crossed from species orchids. The next step is the creation of two more hybrids, Miltonia Anne Warne (Miltonia Bluntii × Miltonia spectabilis) and Miltonia Gayety (Miltonia Cyrtochiloides × Miltonia spectabilis). Finally this orchid hybrids are crossed to receive the 3. generation hybrid Miltonia Honolulu. Flowers of Miltonia Honolulu get a size of about 10 cm across. Flowering period: Summer. The orchid hybrid requires intermediate temperatures and moderate light. In winter lighting should be increased to induce blooming. Miltonia Honolulu has been registered with the Royal Horticultural Society in 1971 by J.Milton Warne, an orchid breeder from Honolulu, Hawaii.

Flower Photography © Orchids
Image: Orchid Hybrid Miltonia Honolulu
Miltonia, Miltoniopsis and Oncidopsis orchid hybrids at Orchids