Parrots Beak (Gmelina philippensis)


Gmelina philippensis Cham. 1832, commonly called Parrots Beak, Hedgehog or Wild Sage, is a tropical shrub with exotic flowers, native to the Philippines, but nowadays spread to many tropical and subtropical countries.

Parrots Beak (Gmelina philippensis) belongs to the verbena family (Verbenaceae) and reach a height and width of up to about 5 meters. While evergreen in the tropics the plant can be deciduous in cooler climates. Flowers are born at the end of overlapping bracts and open mostly just 2 at the same time. Parrots Beak (Gmelina philippensis) requires full sun to partial shade and dry conditions. Seeds are used in the Philippines in nature medicine against eczema and coughs. Flowering period: Spring - Autumn. As the Gmelina philippensis shrub has thorn-like spires, the tropical plant should be handled with care.

Parrots Beak (Gmelina philippensis)
© Orchids
Image: Parrots Beak (Gmelina philippensis)

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