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    Habenaria rhodocheila Hance

    By admin | Dezember 29, 2009

    The Habenaria rhodocheila Hance orchid is widely distributed throughout
    South-East Asia. The orchid grows terrestrially on mossy rocks.
    The four-lobed lip is available in different colours,
    from light pink to dark pink,cinnabar to bright red, purple
    and yellow through orange. In Thailand the Habenaria rhodocheila Hance
    is called San Hin or Lin Mangkon, which means Dragon Tongue.
    The flowers have a size of up to about 3cm.
    Flowering period: September - October

    Habenaria rhodocheila Hance
    © Orchids-Flowers.com
    Image:Habenaria rhodocheila Hance
    Photographer: Posantor “Chocolate” Saelie

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