Pavonia strictiflora (Goethea strictiflora)
Pavonia strictiflora (Hook.) Fryxell 1999 is a tropical, evergreen shrub. The perennial, strange and rare, exotic plant belongs to the Malvaceae family and is related to Hibiscus.
The famous British botanist William Jackson Hooker described and named the tropical plant in the year 1852 as Goethea strictiflora Hook. 1852, which is used as the basionym. The genus Goethea has been established by the German botanist, physician, zoologist and natural philosopher Christian Gottfried Daniel Nees von Esenbeck (1776–1858) and has been named in honour to The German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832). In remembrance of the centenary of Goethe`s death in 1932, a conservation area for Goethea plants (Reserva biológica de Goethea) has been established in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In 1999 the American botanist and Malvaceae specialist Paul Arnold Fryxell (1927-2011) shifted Goethea strictiflora to the genus Pavonia, which has been established in 1789 by the Spanish botanist Antonio José (Joseph) Cavanilles (1745-1804). Pavonia strictiflora shrubs reach heights of about 2 meters and are flowering from spring to autumn. The pink-red flowers sprout directly from the woody stems (Cauliflory) and get a size of about 4 - 6 cm. Pavonia strictiflora (Goethea strictiflora) plants require a sunny - partial shady location and a warm - hot, tropical climate, temperatures shouldn`t drop below 18° C.
Flower Photography © Orchids
Image: Pavonia strictiflora (Goethea strictiflora)
Flower Photography © Orchids
Image: Pavonia strictiflora (Goethea strictiflora)
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