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    Gustav Kunze 1793-1851 German Botanist

    By admin | Januar 24, 2010

    Gustav Kunze German Botanist

    Gustav Kunze (1793-1851)
    was a german botanist and doctor.
    1813 Kunze registered at the
    University of Leipzig, where he took
    a doctoral degree in medicine.
    Gustav Kunze had also
    a good reputation as a botanist
    and joined the
    Wernerian Natural History Society
    in Edinburgh in the year 1817.
    In the following years
    he became a member
    of many botanical societies in Europe.
    In the year 1837 he assumed the direction
    of the botanical garden in Leipzig.
    His research focus was on ferns,
    but he also described a lot of orchids.

    Gustav Kunze died at 30.04.1851 in Leipzig.

    Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach named the plant genus Kunzea in honour of Gustav Kunze.
    Gustav Kunze´s author abbreviations: Kunze
    and Kze.

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    Topics: Famous Botanists | 2 Comments »

    2 Responses to “Gustav Kunze 1793-1851 German Botanist”

    1. Gastrochilus bellinus Rchb.f. Kze. 1891 | Orchids-Flowers Says:
      Januar 24th, 2010 at 15:47

      [...] orchid reaches a size of about 3,5 cm and has a nice fragrance. The Gastrochilus bellinus (Rchb.f.) Kze. 1891 is endemic to Burma (Myanmar) Thailand, Laos and South China and grows in forests at [...]

    2. Gastrochilus bigibbus Orchid | Orchids-Flowers Says:
      Februar 1st, 2010 at 11:29

      [...] Seidenf. 1979, a miniature orchid endemic to Thailand, is growing at elevations from… »Gustav Kunze 1793-1851 German Botanist Gustav Kunze (1793-1851) was a german botanist and doctor. 1813 Kunze registered at the University [...]
