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Gunnar Seidenfaden 1908-2001 Botanist and Diplomat
By admin | Dezember 25, 2009
Gunnar Seidenfaden (1908-2001)
was a Danish diplomat, botanist
and an expert on orchids from South Asia.
From 1926-1934 Gunnar Seidenfaden
has studied botany at the
University of Copenhagen.
From 1955-1959 he was Danish ambassador
in Thailand.
During his time in Thailand,
he started a cooperation
with the Royal Thai Forest Department
and arranged several collecting expeditions
during the years 1956 -1984.
Gunnar Seidenfaden published several books
on Orchidaceae from South Asia,
mostly decorated with his own drawings.
Some of his publications:
*The Orchids of Thailand: a Preliminary List (Seidenfaden & Smitinand, 1958–1964)
*Contributions to the Orchid Flora of Thailand (1969-1997)
Gunnar Seidenfaden described and categorised more then 120 new orchid species
and severel orchids are named to his honour.
His author abbreviation: Seidenf.
Gunnar Seidenfaden died at the age of 93 (09.02.2001),
his collection is kept in the Botanic Garden of Copenhagen.
One of the most wellknown Thai orchids,
described by Gunnar Seidenfaden:
Dendrobium unicum Seidenf. 1970
© Orchids-Flowers.com
Image: Dendrobium unicum Seidenf. 1970
Photographer: Posantor “Chocolate” Saelie

Topics: Famous Botanists & Supporters | 16 Comments »
Januar 24th, 2010 at 19:16
[...] Bulbophyllum muscarirubrum Seidenf. 1979, a miniature orchid endemic to Thailand, is growing at elevations from 1100-1500 meters. The [...]
Februar 2nd, 2010 at 11:44
[...] name of Dendrobium lamyaiae Seidenf. 1996, a miniature orchid endemic to Thailand and Laos is often misspelled Dendrobium lanyaiae. The [...]
März 1st, 2010 at 09:24
[...] Thai orchid Luisia secunda Seidenf.1971 has been described and categorised by Danish botanist Dr. Gunnar Seidenfaden in the year 1971. Luisia secunda is endemic to North Thailand and to the Andaman islands in South [...]
März 12th, 2010 at 14:50
[...] In the year 1972 the highly fragrant orchid has been renamed in honour to the famous orchidologist Dr. Gunnar Seidenfaden as Seidenfadenia mitrata. In common parlance this orchid beauty is called “The Bishop Mitre [...]
März 22nd, 2010 at 09:08
[...] Thai miniature Orchid Trias intermedia Seidenf. & Smitin. 1961 is for sure not a scary monster, even if our flower photographer Nat made them [...]
April 19th, 2010 at 07:55
[...] viridiflava (sometimes misspelled as Chilochista viridiflora) was primarily described by the danish botanist and diplomat Dr. Gunnar Seidenfaden. In Thailand this orchid beauty is called Phaya rai bai, which means without leaves. The small [...]
April 25th, 2010 at 04:35
[...] miniature orchid Sarcoglyphis smithianus (Kerr) Seidenf. 1992, an epiphytic growing small orchid, is native to Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and South China. The [...]
April 27th, 2010 at 08:57
[...] small flowered Coelogyne tenasserimensis Seidenf. is an epiphytic growing orchid native to Thailand and Burma (Myanmar). The beautiful yellow flowers [...]
Mai 10th, 2010 at 12:04
This is a lovely orchid site! We just received a donation, an orchid collection, to Dokmai Garden, and we currently establish a catalogue. I need to know for sure if it is Chiloschista viridiflora or viridflava, as Queen Sirikit Botanical Garden as well as Smitinand’s checklist claims “viridiflora”. I do not have accss to the protologue - has anyone seen it (Orchids-flowers April 19th)?
Thanks, Eric Danell, scientific consultant at Dokmai Garden, Chiang Mai. http://www.dokmaidogma.wordpress.com
Mai 10th, 2010 at 13:25
I also need to know which spelling is correct: Nervillea (According to GBIF and Nantiya’s orchid book) or Nervilia (according to QSBG and Smitinand’s checklist)? I can only accept an answer from somebody who checked the actual protologue, as errors can be repeated and perpetuated on internet. Thanks again, Eric Danell, Dokmai Garden.
Mai 10th, 2010 at 14:12
Dear Mr Danell,
We checked again the name,
this time with Kew Garden.
The real name is
Chiloschista viridiflava Seidenf.
You can try it by yourself:
For the other variation (chiloschista viridiflora) which is also covered in Queen Sirikits Book,
there are no search results at Kew Garden,
which is an expert in orchidology.
Mai 14th, 2010 at 11:11
[...] Trichoglottis triflora (Guill.) Garay & Seidenfaden 1972 is an epiphytic growing miniature orchid, found in Thailand and Vietnam. The flowers reach a [...]
Mai 29th, 2010 at 10:28
[...] Bulbophyllum smitinandii Seidenf. & Thorut 1996 orchid has been named in honour to the Thai botanist Dr. Tem Smitinand. The [...]
Mai 29th, 2010 at 14:56
[...] of expeditions has been undertaken from 1958 - 1968 as the continued work of the botanists Dr. Gunnar Seidenfaden and Professor Dr. Tem Smitinand. This 2 great botanist collected together more than 15.000 [...]
Juli 11th, 2010 at 07:29
[...] fragrans (Parish & Rchb. f.) Seidenf. & Smitin. 1963 is an miniature orchid species, native to India (Assam), Burma (Myanmar), [...]
August 10th, 2010 at 10:36
[...] miniature orchid species Gastrochilus minor Seidenf. 1988 has been described by the Danish botanist Dr. Gunnar Seidenfaden in Opera Botanica 95: 296 (1988), but the name Gastrochilus minor isn´t accepted by the Kew [...]