Tropical Flowers

Andrographis paniculata (Burm. f.) Wall. ex Nees 1832, commonly called Kalmegh, is an annual, herbaceous plant, native to India and Sri Lanka. The tropical herb belongs to the Acanthus family (Acanthaceae) and is widely cultivated in South and South-east Asia. At times, before antibiotics has been developed Kalmegh leaves and roots has been used in Read More »


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Clitoria macrophylla Wall. ex Benth. 1857, commonly called Poik Tak Katen, is a tropical, annual vine, native to South China (Guangdong, Guangxi), India, Myanmar (formerly Burma), Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia. The tropical vine has been claimed to possess pharmacological activities, but is still in research. A new rotenoid compound, 6-deoxyclitoriacetal, has been found in Read More »


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Passionflower Passiflora Lady Margaret

Passiflora Lady Margaret is a fast growing passionflower vine hybrid, a crossing between Passiflora coccinea und Passiflora incarnata (Maypop Passionflower), but even as one parent is the hardy Passiflora incarnata, Lady Margret doesn`t tolerate temperatures below 5°C. The Passiflora hybrid with its stunning, magenta-red flowers with a pure white center is considered as difficult to Read More »


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Heliconia chartacea Sexy Pink

Heliconia chartacea Lane ex Barreiros 1972 with its cultivar Heliconia chartacea Sexy Pink, commonly called Pink Flamingo Heliconia, is a large herbaceous plant native to tropical America, especially found in Brazil and French Guiana (Guyane). The Heliconia species plant reach heights up to 8 meters. The bright pink color of the pendulous blossoms are rare Read More »


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Curcuma cordata Wall. 1829, commonly called Jewel of Thailand, Siam Tulip, Thai Tulip, Hidden Ginger, Pastel Hidden Ginger, Hidden Lily or Queen Lily is a perennial, rhizomatous plant native to Thailand and Malaysia. The Jewel of Thailand belongs to the ginger family (Zingiberaceae) and reach a height of about 90 cm. The stunning, …


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Maypop Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata)

Passiflora incarnata L. 1753, commonly called Maypop, Apricot Vine, Purple Passionflower, True Passionflower or Wild Passionflower is a vigorous vine native to the southern United States and one of the most hardy Passiflora species. The Maypop Passionflower can reach lengths up to 10 meters, the fleshy, orange fruits, if fully ripe, get the size of Read More »


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As we found the strange looking Calathea crotalifera S. Watson 1889, commonly called Rattlesnake Plant, Rattle Shaker, Rattlesnake Ginger or Yellow Rattleshaker we`ve been convinced, that it must be a Heliconia plant. We couldn`t find anything about the tropical plant in our botanical library, but fortunatly we had a picture with the name written in Read More »


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Not just we`ve been impressed by the cute, little blossoms of Curcuma sparganifolia Pink Pearl Greentop, as there was already a crowd standing around a bucket of Curcuma sparganifolia cut-flowers. All the people been singing from the same hymnal, Oh, what lovely, neat flowers. It`s a Curcuma plant I said and an old Thai lady Read More »


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Hibiscus schizopetalus (Dyer) Hook. f. 1880, commonly called Japanese Lantern, Chinese Lantern, Coral Hibiscus, Skeleton Hibiscus or Fringed Hibiscus, is a tropical shrub, native to the East African countries Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique. The rapidly growing Japanese Lantern Hibiscus can reach heights up to about 3 meters and flowers sporadically all year long. As flowers Read More »


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Curcuma Emerald Chocozebra Thai Tulip

As we`ve got 2 Thai Tulips (Siam Tulip) Curcuma Emerald Chocozebra we never thought, that we will have to research more then 3 years to identify the Curcuma hybrid. At the beginning we`ve got absolutely no results, as it was the time whilst the “Curcuma mania” started in Thailand. In the second year we`ve found Read More »


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Waterlily Nymphaea King Of Siam

Nymphaea King of Siam, in its country of origin Thailand called Nymphaea Chalong Kwan, is a tropical day-blooming waterlily hybrid with fragrant flowers. The King of Siam waterlily has been developed in the year 1996 by Mr.Chaiyapon Tamasuwan, who runs a waterlily nursery in Chachoengsao, Thailand. The Chalong Kwan hybrid is the most double-flowered waterlily Read More »


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Pink Coral Vine (Antigonon leptopus)

Antigonon leptopus Hook. & Arn. 1841, commonly called Coral Vine, Mexican Creeper, Honolulu Creeper, Corallita, Chinese Love Vine, Chain of Love, Hearts on a Chain or San Miguelito Vine, is a fast growing tropical vine, native to Mexico. Nowadays the evergreen Coral Vine, which is available with pink or white flowers, is widely distributed in Read More »


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Katmon (Dillenia philippinensis)

Once again we had to put in great efforts to identify this stunning white flower with a beautiful scarlet center as Dillenia philippinensis Rolfe 1884. Dillenia philippinensis, commonly called Katmon, Philippines Simpoh or Philippine Dillenia is a tropical, flowering tree or big shrub, which can reach heights up to about 15 meters. Dillenia philippinensis is Read More »


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Lipstick Plant (Aeschynanthus radicans)

Aeschynanthus radicans Jack 1823, commonly called Lipstick Plant, is a tropical, epiphytic or lithophytic growing, vine-like plant, native to the Malay Peninsula. The funny name lipstick plant has been given as the unopened, scarlet colored flowers, growing from dark, brownish-red tube-like structures, look like lipsticks. The evergreen lipstick plant with its attractive, leathery, green leaves Read More »


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Costus speciosus, Cheilocostus speciosus

Since 1791 the Crepe Ginger, also Crape Ginger or Malay Ginger was known under the botanical name Costus speciosus (J. König) Sm. 1791, which is these days just accepted as a synonym. In the year 2006 the name has been changed for phylogenetic reasons by the American botanist Dr. Chelsea D. Specht to Cheilocostus speciosus Read More »


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