The Giant Spider Lily, (Crinum asiaticum L. 1753), also called Poison Bulb, Giant Crinum Lily or Grand Crinum Lily, is a perennial and bulbous tropical plant from the Amaryllis family (Amaryllidaceae). Spider Lilies are native to India, Sri Lanka, China, Japan and South Korea. All parts of the Giant Spider Lily are poisonous and there Read More »
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The passion fruit flower Passiflora edulis fo. flavicarpa O. Deg. 1932 is from the Passiflora edulis variety, which produces yellow passion fruits. The epithet edulis means edible and as the purple fruits of Passiflora edulis are sweet, the yellow variety Passiflora edulis fo. flavicarpa is sour and mostly used to produce juice or jam. Passiflora Read More »
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Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze 1887, with its stunning, white tea flower, is a tropical plant depending on the tea shrub family (Theaceae) and the genus Camellia. In the year 1753 Carl Linnaeus (1707 – 1778), the father of taxonomy, named the genus in honour to Rev. Georg Kamel (1661–1706), a Czech Jesuit missionary, botanist and Read More »
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Ironwood (Memecylon umbellatum Burm.f.), also called Delek air tree, is a tropical tree belonging to the order Myrtales and the family Memecylaceae. The tree with its cute deep blue flower clusters is native to India and Sri Lanka , but nowadays widely spread throughout South-East Asia. The decorative tropical tree can reach heights of about Read More »
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Heliconia marginata (Griggs) Pittier 1926, a big Heliconia plant native to the tropical American countries, Bolivia, Columbia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama and Peru is often confused with Heliconia rostrata Ruiz & Pav. 1802. As Heliconias are used as ornamental plants in many tropical countries, we found a lot of Heliconia marginata plants in our home Read More »
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Hemerocallis fulva, commonly called Orange Daylily, Tiger Daylily or Orange Tiger Daylily, isn´t only cultivated as an ornamental plant for its beautiful flowers, but also for food and medical purposes. Daylilies are native to Asia and are found from Caucasus in the West to China, Japan and Korea in the East. Daylilies belong to the Read More »
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The Stargazer Lily (Lilium Stargazer) is a hybrid from the Lilium Oriental group, developed in 1978 by the Californian lily hybridiser Leslie Woodriff. As flowers of plants in the Oriental lily group tend to hang down, the Stargazer lily has upward facing flowers and because of the “looking at the heavens flowers”, the new lily Read More »
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Hoya lacunosa Blume 1826 is a highly fragrant wax flower, native to Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Hoya lacunosa flowers exhale a heavy scent which is reminescent of hyacinth with a pinch of cinnamon. Others say the scent is like a facial soap or a hand cream. If the Hoya lacunosa blooms with a few Read More »
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Quisqualis indica, commonly called Rangoon Creeper, Burmese Creeper, Drunken Sailor or Chinese Honeysuckle, is a vigorous, highly fragrant tropical vine, most likely native to India, Bangladesh, Myanmar (formerly Burma), Malaysia and the Philippines, but also widely spread to tropical and subtropical countries in the world. As all our books about tropical plants named the …
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Hoya chlorantha Rech. 1908, native to Oceania, has been discovered by the Austrian Botanist Karl Rechinger (1867–1952) in Samoa in the year 1905.The wax flower Hoya chlorantha is a fast-growing, epiphytic tropical climber, the umbels include up to 25 flowers. Single flowers reach a size of about 2 cm in diameter. To come into bloom Read More »
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As we identified the tropical vine with its beautiful yellow flowers as Cats Claw Creeper we didn`t expect to stumble upon a taxonomical mess again, as the plant has 2 accepted botanical names: Macfadyena unguis-cati (L.) A.H. Gentry 1973 and Dolichandra unguis-cati (L.) L.G. Lohmann 2008 and to round out there are lots of …
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Passionflowers rank among the most beautiful flowers in the plant kingdom. The red passionflower Passiflora miniata Vanderpl. 2006, commonly called red Granadilla or Scarlet flower, is, at least for me, the most splendid passionflower I ever saw. Erroneously this tropical beauty, native to South America, got the botanical name Passiflora coccinea Aubl., which has found Read More »
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Lagerstroemia speciosa (L.) Pers. 1806, commonly called Queens Crape Myrtle, Banaba Tree, Giant Crape Myrtle or Pride of India is a tropical flowering tree from the loosestrife family (Lythraceae). In 1770 the father of taxonomy Carl von Linnaeus described the plant as Munchausia speciosa, in 1806 the, in South Africa born, botanist Christiaan Hendrik Persoon Read More »
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Heliconia Golden Torch is a Heliconia hybrid, a crossing from the Heliconia species Heliconia psittacorum and Heliconia spathocircinata. Most Heliconia plants are native to tropical America and growing from rhizomes, like other plants from the order Zingiberales. Nowadays Heliconia plants are cultivated in many tropical countries around the world for their waxy bracts, often confused Read More »
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Plumeria Penang Peach has been named after the Malaysian island of Penang and is a crossing from different Plumeria rubra L. 1753 varieties. Like most Plumeria flowers, the multi-colored Plumeria Penang Peach flowers are highly fragrant. The genus Plumeria, a member of the dogbane family (Apocynaceae) has been primarily described by the French botanist Joseph Read More »
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