Doritis pulcherrima var. champornensis alba is an albino variant and a peloric flower form of the stunnig Doritis pulcherrima Lindl. 1832, an orchid species native to South East Asia. But even if books about orchids use the name Doritis pulcherrima var. champornensis alba, the name is not accepted by the science of botany and to cause even more confusion Doritis pulcherrima Lindl. 1832 is just accepted as a synonym. The genus Doritis has been switched to the genus Phalaenopsis and so the correct and accepted botanical name is Phalaenopsis pulcherrima (Lindl.) J.J.Sm. 1933. In 1999 the non-peloric albino form has been named Doritis pulcherrima f. alba O.Gruss & Roeth and is also just accepted as a synonym. There is still a lot of confusion about this beautiful orchid species. A peloric flower form is an abnormal regularity, in the case of Doritis pulcherrima var. champornensis alba, it means the flattened flower, which is different from the regular flower form of Doritis pulcherrima.
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Image: Doritis pulcherima var. champornensis alba
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