Ipomoea carnea Jacq. 1760, commonly called Pink Morning Glory, Bush Morning Glory or Morning Glory Tree, is a big tropical shrub native to Central- and South America
and the Caribbean Islands.
The pink morning glory tree reaches heights up to about 5 meters and is considered as an invasive species, especially in USA and Egypt, where the plant may potentially become another ecological disaster like the water hyacinth. Nowadays Ipomoea carnea is widely distributed throughout tropical and subtropical countries around the world. The stunning, bell-mouthed flowers get a size of up to about 10 cm in diameter. Flowering period: Spring - Summer. Like other morning glories, the pink flowers open in early morning and close by midday. Seeds of the pink morning glory are toxic and parts of the plant, especially leaves and seeds may be hazardous to cattle. Parts of Ipomoea carnea are also used in natural medicine and contain sedative, anticonvulsant, anticarcinogenic and oxytoxic properties.
The pink morning glory requires warm - hot temperatures and is best cultivated in full sun to partial shade. The deciduous plant isn`t hardy and doesn`t tolerate temperatures below 5°C. Morning glory trees should be cultivated in a well-drained soil and should be kept humid, but not wet. Plants may be pruned by mid-summer to induce blooming.
Flower Photography © Orchids Flowers.com
Image: Pink Morning Glory (Ipomoea carnea)
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