Succulent Huernia macrocarpa


Huernia macrocarpa (A. Rich.) Sprenger 1892 is a succulent plant, belonging to the milkweed family (Apocynaceae) and the same subfamily Asclepiadoideae as the beautiful Hoya plants. The succulent Huernia macrocarpa has been described primarily by the French botanist Achille Richard (1794-1852) in the year 1851 as Stapelia macrocarpa. 1892 the species has been transfered to the genus Huernia by the German botanist Carl Ludwig Sprenger (1846-1917). Huernia macrocarpa plants are native to Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. The impressive, dark-red flowers get a size of just about 2 cm.

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Image: Succulent Huernia macrocarpa

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