Brassavola perrinii Lindl. 1833 is an epiphytic growing orchid species, native to South America (Bolivia, Paraguay, Brasil and Argentina). The British botanist Sir John Lindley, the father of the science of orchids (orchidology), named Brassavola perrinii in honour to the English horticulturist, gardener and botanist Frederick Perrin, who lived in the 19. century and was a member of the Perrins family, well-known for the Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce. The orchid grows at higher elevations from 2000-2600 meters. The fragrant flowers get a size of about 7 cm. Flowering period: Spring - Summer.
© Orchids
Image: Brassavola perrinii Lindl. 1833
© Orchids
Image: Brassavola perrinii Lindl. 1833