Dendrobium Samurai Orchid Hybrid


The beautiful Dendrobium Samurai orchid is a primary orchid hybrid from a cross breeding of Dendrobium stratiotes x Dendrobium antennatum.

We stumbled upon this outstanding orchid, while we did photographic works in an orchid shop at the Kamthieng Flower Market in Chiang Mai / North Thailand. The shop, which we been in, is a branch of an orchid breeder in Doi Saket, near Chiang Mai and sells primarily orchid hybrids. For our team hybrids are always a big task, not because of the photography, but to identify them and try to get more information. In this case, the young Thai salesman provided us at least with the name of this beautiful and outstanding orchid. We´ve not just been attracted by the flowers, also the name Dendrobium Samurai was drawing our interest. He told us the Dendrobium Samurai is a cross breeding from Japan, what we couldn´t confirm. If the origin Japan is connected to an orchid in Thailand, then You can expect a very high price. We asked the young and very helpfulp man how much he would charge for the beauty. To make it short, we bought the Dendrobium Samurai for 120.- Thai Baht.
Flower size without the “antennas” about 3 cm.

© Orchids
Image: Dendrobium Samurai (Dendrobium stratiotes x Dendrobium antennatum),
Photographer: Posantor “Chocolate” Saelie

© Orchids
Image: Dendrobium Samurai (Dendrobium stratiotes x Dendrobium antennatum)
Photographer: Posantor “Chocolate” Saelie

Dendrobium hybrids at Orchids

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