Bulbophyllum vaginatum Rchb. f. 1864


Bulbophyllum vaginatum Rchb. f. 1864 is an epiphytic growing miniature orchid species, native to Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia (Java, Borneo).

Inflorescences get lengths up to about 12 cm and carry umbels of up to 18 single flowers. The pale yellow flowers get a length of about 5 cm. Flowering period: late Winter - Spring and late Summer -Autumn. Bulbophyllum vaginatum orchids are protected by CITES Appendix II (trade controlled to avoid use incompatible with species survival). The tropical miniature orchid requires warm temperatures, a shady - partial shady location and a good air movement to avoid fungal infections. Plants should be kept humid, but not wet. Waterings should be slightly restricted during the winter rest, whilst the amount of light should be increased to induce blooming. Like its close relatives Bulbophyllum ovatum and Bulbophyllum medusae, Bulbophyllum vaginatum belongs to the Bulbophyllum Section Desmosanthes.

Bulbophyllum vaginatum
Flower Photography © Orchids Flowers.com
Image: Bulbophyllum vaginatum Rchb. f. 1864

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