Miniature Orchid Bulbophyllum lepidum


Bulbophyllum lepidum (Blume) J.J. Sm. 1905 is an epiphytic growing miniature orchid species, native to India, Myanmar (formerly Burma), Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Whilst we tried to identify this Bulbophyllum species orchid, we stumbled again upon a taxonomical mess. As some sources accept the name Bulbophyllum lepidum, other sources claim its just a synonym and the miniature orchid is now correctly called Bulbophyllum flabellum-veneris (J.König) Aver. 2003. Another synonym is Cirrhopetalum lepidum (Blume) Schltr. 1911. As the tropical orchid is widely known and in trade as Bulbophyllum lepidum, we can`t see any reason to rename it. Single flowers get a length of 2 - 2,5 cm and are born on inflorescences which reach lengths up to about 20 cm. Flowers are grouped in fans of up to about 10 flowers.

Flowering period: August - December. Bulbophyllum lepidum (Bulbophyllum flabellum-veneris) orchids are protected by CITES Appendix II (trade controlled to avoid use incompatible with species survival). The tropical miniature orchid requires a warm - hot, humid climate and a shady location. Bulbophyllum lepidum plants should be kept moist, but not soggy and need a good air movement to avoid fungal infection. Waterings should be restricted during the winter rest.

Bulbophyllum lepidum
Flower Photography © Orchids
Image: Bulbophyllum lepidum
Photographer: Kitisak “Nat” Jaidee

Flower Photography © Orchids
Image: Bulbophyllum lepidum
Photographer: Kitisak “Nat” Jaidee

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