A red flowered Hoya mindorensis Schltr. 1906 has been found in the year 1905 at the island of Mindoro, Philippines and has been named by the German botanist Rudolf Schlechter.
Flowering period: Spring - Summer.
Hoya mindorensis waxflowers require warm temperatures and will not tolerate freezing temperatures. The tropical climber has average water needs and shouldn`t be overwatered. Hoya mindorenses belongs to the dogbane family (Apocynaceae) and contains a poisonous, milky latex, which emerges if plants get injured. The milky sap may cause stubborn stains.
Flower Photography © Orchids Flowers.com
Image: Hoya mindorensis Schltr. 1906
Photographer: Kitisak “Nat” Jaidee
Flower Photography © Orchids Flowers.com
Image: Hoya mindorensis Schltr. 1906
Photographer: Kitisak “Nat” Jaidee
Hoya (Wax Flowers, Porcellain Flowers) at Orchids Flowers.com:
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