Heinrich Gustav ReichenbachThe German botanist Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach (1823 Leipzig/Germany -1889 Hamburg/Germany) started to study botany at the age of 18 and graduated as doctor in botany. 1855 he became extraordinary professor of botany in Leipzig. His doctoral dissertation was about the pollen of orchids. From 1863-1889 Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach was director of the botanical gardens at the Hamburg University, where he was responsible for the identification, description and classification of the thousands of newly discovered orchids, whitch been sent to the university from all around the world. After the death of the “father of orchidology”,
his friend John Lindley,
Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach became the worlds leading authority on Orchidaceae. In 1886 Henry Frederick Conrad Sander started to work on a monthly publication on orchids with illustrations from Henry George Moon and descriptions of Reichenbach. The so called Reichenbachia has been released over the years 1888-1894 and is considered to be the biggest source on orchids ever made. After Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach death, at the 06.05.1889 in Hamburg, his work has been continued by Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig (“Fritz”) Kraenzlin (1847-1934).
Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach´s author abbreviation: Rchb.f

A beautiful Thai orchid,
described by Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach:
Dendrobium cruentum Rchb.f.

Dendrobium cruentum
© Orchids-Flowers.com
Image: Dendrobium cruentum Rchb.f. Orchid
Photographer: Posantor “Chocolate” Salie


35 Antworten bis “Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach 1823-1889 German Botanist”

  1. [...] Posts Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach 1823-1889 German BotanistThe German botanist Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach (1823 Leipzig/Germany -1889 Hamburg/Germany) started [...]

  2. [...] Posts Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach 1823-1889 German BotanistThe German botanist Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach (1823 Leipzig/Germany -1889 Hamburg/Germany) started [...]

  3. [...] Posts Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach 1823-1889 German BotanistThe German botanist Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach (1823 Leipzig/Germany -1889 Hamburg/Germany) started [...]

  4. [...] Posts Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach 1823-1889 German BotanistThe German botanist Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach (1823 Leipzig/Germany -1889 Hamburg/Germany) started [...]

  5. [...] Miltonia Susan Bogdanow is an orchid hybrid from Odontonia Avril Gay and Miltonia… »Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach 1823-1889 German BotanistThe German botanist Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach (1823 Leipzig/Germany -1889 Hamburg/Germany) started [...]

  6. [...] wallichii Rchb.f 1861 is a miniature orchid endemic to Thailand, Vietnam, Bhutan, Sikkim, Nepal, Burma (Myanmar), [...]

  7. [...] 2003. There was quite some kind of resentment between Robert Allen Rolfe and the german botanist Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach, which resulted in a vast number of multiple descriptions of orchid species. Robert Allen Rolfe was [...]

  8. [...] Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach named the plant genus Kunzea in honour of Gustav Kunze. Gustav Kunze´s author abbreviation: Kunze [...]

  9. ดอก เอื้อง ครั้ง สาย สั้น Dendrobium parishii Rchb f 1863 | ดอกไม้ธรรมชาติ sagt:

    [...] 1863 Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach ได้ตั้งชื่อพฤกษศาสตร์ว่า Dendrobium parishii [...]

  10. [...] retisquama Rchb.f 1857, also called Ceratostylis rubra Ames 1910 is an epiphytic growing small sized orchid from the [...]

  11. [...] miniarure orchid Bulbophyllum retusiusculum Rchb. f. 1869 was classified by the german botanist Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach in the same article as Cirrhopetalum retusiusculum Rchb. f. 1869 and as Bulbophyllum retusiusculum [...]

  12. ดอก เอื้อง นาง ชะนี, Dendrobium senile | ดอกไม้ธรรมชาติ sagt:

    [...] เอื้อง นาง ชะนี Dendrobium senile Par & Rchb.f. 1865 ในเมืองไทยมีชื่อเลียกว่า ดอก [...]

  13. แวนดา สาม ปอย ขุนตาล Vanda denisoniana | ดอกไม้ธรรมชาติ sagt:

    [...] สาม ปอย ขุนตาล Vanda denisoniana Bens. & Rchb.f. 1869 และ สาม ปอย ขาว กับ สาม ปอย ดง. แต่ [...]

  14. สิงโตใบพาย Bulbophyllum wallichii Rchb.f.1861 | ดอกไม้ธรรมชาติ sagt:

    [...] ของ Nathaniel Wallich และต่อมาในปี ค.ศ 1861 ท้าน Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach. ได้ตั้งชื่อพฤกษศาสตร์ว่า Bulbophyllum wallichii [...]

  15. [...] in honour to him, like Paphiopedilum parishii, Cymbidium parishii or Dendrobium parishii (named by Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach). Charles Samuel Pollock Parish was also a talented painter and illustrator. In 1871 Parish went to [...]

  16. [...] Seidenfadenia mitrata (Rchb.f.) Garay 1972 orchid species has first been described by the german botanist Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach as Aerides mitrata Rchb.f 1864. In the year 1972 the highly fragrant orchid has been renamed in [...]

  17. เอื้อง คำกิ่ว Dendrobium signatum Rchb.f. 1884 | ดอกไม้ธรรมชาติ sagt:

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  18. เอื้อง ไตร แดง Trias picta (Par. & Rchb.f) Hemsl. 1888 | ดอกไม้ธรรมชาติ sagt:

    [...] ไตร แดง (Trias picta (Par. & Rchb.f) Hemsl. 1888) มีขนาด 1-2 ซม. [...]

  19. [...] orchid Kingidium deliciosum (Rchb.f) H.R. Sweet 1970 has first been classified in the year 1854 by Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach as Phalaenopsis deliciosa. In 1970 the american botanist Herman Royden Sweet renamed the small [...]

  20. เอื้อง นางรุ้ง Vandopsis parishii Hygrochilus parishii | ดอกไม้ธรรมชาติ sagt:

    [...] Charles Samuel Pollock Parish ครับ. แล้วต่อมาในปี ค.ศ 1867. Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach [...]

  21. [...] bellatulum (Rchb.f) Stein 1895, in common called Pretty Paphiopedilum or Egg in a nest orchid grows terrestrially [...]

  22. [...] orchids are mostly quite strange looking, like the Bulbophyllum antenniferum (Lindl.) Rchb.f. 1864, which is native to South Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and New Guinea. The [...]

  23. [...] India (Assam), Burma (Myanmar), Thailand (Phaya Rai Bai) and Laos. Primarily described by Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach in the year 1868 as Thrixspermum luniferum Rchb. f. 1868, the beautiful orchid with its small [...]

  24. [...] Burma (Myanmar), Thailand and Laos. Primarily the Staurochilus dawsonianus has been named 1868 by Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach in honour to the English Botanist Dawson Turner (1775 - 1858) as Cleisostoma dawsonianum, in [...]

  25. [...] calophylla (Rchb. f.) Kuntze 1891 is a terrestrial growing miniature orchid species, native to India (Assam), the [...]

  26. [...] dearei Rchb. f. 1888 is an epiphytic and sometimes also lithophytic growing orchid species, found in Indonesia [...]

  27. [...] the American botanist Oakes Ames (1874 - 1950) primarily as Vanda amesiana Rchb. f. 1887 by Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach. The beautiful white Holcoglossum amesianum is native to India (Assam), Burma (Myanamar), Thailand [...]

  28. [...] orchid Cleisostoma arietinum (Rchb. f.) Garay 1972 has primarily classified by the German botanist Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach as Sarcanthus arietinus Rchb.f. 1869. The American botanist and orchid specialist Leslie Andrew [...]

  29. [...] Bulbophyllum penicillium Parish & Rchb. f. 1874 orchid species, with it´s strange looking small flowers, is native to the Himalayas, India [...]

  30. [...] insectifera (Rchb. f.) Ridl. 1896 is an epiphytic, occasionally also lithophytic growing miniature orchid species, native [...]

  31. [...] Trichoglottis atropurpurea Rchb.f. 1876, native to the Philippines, was such a case. In 1876 Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach categorised the orchid species as Trichoglottis atropurpurea, but in 1922 the American botanist Oak [...]

  32. [...] christyanum Rchb. f. 1882 is an epiphytic miniature orchid species, found in North and Northeast Thailand, North Vietnam [...]

  33. [...] orchid species Phalaenopsis equestris (Schauer) Rchb.f 1849 has a lot of beautiful variations, like the Phalaenopsis equestris var. ilocos. The epiphytic [...]

  34. [...] epiphytic Dendrobium linguella Rchb. f. 1882 orchid species is endemic to Burma (Myanmar), Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia. The [...]

  35. [...] outstanding orchid beauty Coelogyne lactea Rchb.f. 1885, with its creamy white flowers, is endemic to Burma (Myanmar), Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and [...]

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